The soccer frenzie has captured S.A and the rest of the world. Though I'm not really a soccer fan and aware of the blow taxpayers are being dealt, this is a good advertisement for the world of the wealth of talent that S.A posseses. I crossed paths with a musician who I can say I am a fan of -Kyle Sheperd. Check for the stats! It turns out that there's a mutual respect for our work and it's good to know that I will be doing a project with this young man that is so talented. It was a double whammy when I performed on the same stage with Warrick Sony member of the infamous Kalahari Surfers at the Speak the Mind spoken word festival over the past weekend. I'm still busy with promo with my debut album but the scripting of my followup is well on track. I cannot wait to jam with these two insightfull individuals and just learn! E.J is currently in Europe for two months with the Champions Band minus DJ Azuhl lol. Check her website and if you havent bought one of the best musically releases for 2010 then do so. This brings me to the matter of fan support. It's sad that I'm still encountering individuals that claim to be my fans and supporting me but still asks me if they must buy my cd - duh...I have free mixtapes circulating araound cant you at least buy an album? Visit my website I'm part of the mixcrate community ( and all my mixtapes will be available on there. Check it out I think by August this site is going to be on the forefront of online mixtape downloading. Urrgh laptop problemo's...will be back!